深く安らぎました。 この世に生まれたのは学びのためで苦しまないと成長できないとか、 欲望はなくさなければいけない、欲望があってはいけない→4つの時期がある。 富のディクシャを受けて、それらの2つのパラダイムにはムリがありバガヴァンは、そのムリは不用だと言っていると聞いて、スッキリできた。本物はこうなんだと確信した。(関本雅代・40代女性・mixi)
One year ago I met Terada san. Since Emi Takahashi is away I searched my e-mail until I found Terada san with Amma Bhagavan’s Grace & Blessings. It was well organized & lovely. Seeing the process removed my anxiety about doing it alone in my home. I am so grateful to join in because it seems since Fiji & then deepening & Trainers is 2010 that my inner life became into a phase of deep change and growth.(Jane Rees Kato・60代女性・人から聞いた)
If I have free time because I’d enjoy doing it in groups. My home life is usually only weekends so it conflicted. Now today I learned there are weekday processes available so I feel freed to attention. From now 2 – 25 I am in Canada. But I longed to attend this process and so am very glad I could attend today, Nameste! P.S. my husband’s friend had one deeksha in 2009 but was nervous about such good feelings. Then he had economic & healed failures & near death went to hospital, mentally & bodily starved. I gave distance deeksha & one month ago (after 4 months in hospital) I gave a srimurthi & blessing since then everyday he felt the love in the srimurthi & I am amazed to see a speedy recovery to 60% from 10%.(Jane Rees Kato・60代女性・人から聞いた)