Namaste Oneness Trainers,
There was a webcast set up with Indians in Canada for March 7th. It was already set up well over a month ago. We had asked that this is also given out to all the Oneness Groups across the planet. Sri Bhagavan has decided to let us offer this to all Oneness Communities.
It will be a 15 minute webcast. Sri Bhagavan will speak very briefly and then meditate for about 10 minutes.
We would like for you to organize this webcast with your Oneness Community on March 7th at 9:30pm (Indian Standard Time).
This will be the only time during this day that we can offer this to your group. This event is open to the whole Oneness Community and their friends and family, so please invite anyone who would enjoy this event.
This will only be offered to groups of 25 or more. Please try and organize a large group for this. We will not be giving access to this event to just individuals, only to groups.
If you are able to have your group gather during this time please email us at webcasts@onenessuniversity.org stating that you will be coordinating a group with this additional information:
Please tell us this information:
Your Name
City, State
Email Id
Skype Id
How many people will be in your group (25 people minimum required)
Once we confirm with you and your group, we will send you all the details and instructions regarding this event.
Please email us as soon as you can letting us know if you and your Oneness group will be joining this event with us.
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